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Testimonials From Our Customers


Read what customers are saying about their tall ship sailing experience with Maybe Sailing. Want to leave us a review? Click the button below to review us on Trust Pilot.

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Siobhan- TS Maybe – September 2018

Best holiday and birthday ever. An intense experience with strangers who become like family. Pure uncomplicated adventure. Will be booking another trip with Maybe Sailing.

Cecile Hauvette – TS Maybe – October 2018

I just took the RYA Competent Crew course onboard Maybe and had a hell of a good time! Thanks to a brilliant, funny, knowledgeable and very patient crew, I learned a ton and had a lot of fun (though not much sleep!) I’m very much looking forward to go back sailing on Maybe (next trip already booked!) – Thank you again and see you very soon!

Nick Durrant – TS Maybe – September 2018

Had this trip booked for me for my fiftieth birthday by my partner. Have never sailed before in any form or shape. Some of my friends questioned the gift and wondered if my partner didn’t like me very much or just wanted to get rid of me for a few days. I was a little apprehensive myself. The trip was amazing. It was enjoyable and challenging in equal measures and an experience i will never forget. Some of the highlights included steering by moonlight, being surrounded by dolphins, sitting astride the bowsprit at 3.00 in the morning, having weird dreams and listening to the many brilliant and funny stories the crew shared with us. Some of the challenges included gybing the sails at 5.00am, remembering everyone’s tea or coffee order and then being able to make it with the boat rocking like Elvis and eating breakfast whilst the contents of the kitchen cascade around you. All of it – brilliant fun. Of course it would not of been the trip it was without my fellow rookies and a superb crew and skipper. Many thanks to them all for making it such a memorable experience. Good Luck TS Maybe in all of your future races – i shall be keeping track of your success’s.

Briana Chapman – TS Blue Clipper – August 2018

life changing experience, beyond my expectations

I had an awesome time with Blue Clipper and her crew. They are professional, and they taught me so much about life and about sailing. I am definitely taking lessons back to my sailing life as well as my personal and professional life. 🙂

The Blue Clipper is a spectacular boat, truly luxurious and I felt comfortable and completely safe the entire time. The crew helped me to experience once in a lifetime experiences like climbing the rig, the bowsprit, etc. and feel like a true pirate while still observing safety as a top priority.

The captain and first mate did an incredible job of letting us know what is happening and why; they told us daily where we are, where we’re going, how long it will take to get there, and what weather and wildlife we are likely to encounter along the way.

The hospitality was out of this world. I truly felt cared-for. Once, my dad and I were going out for a hike. We had no expectation that food would be provided for us, and planned to pick up sandwiches in town on the way out. Katie, hospitality manager, realized that we did not have food and the team packed us a beautiful lunch on the way out the door.

I whole-heartedly recommend this experience. Go into it with an open mind, and embrace the adventure. You will have an amazing time, and learn so much more than sailing.

Bill Chapman – TS Blue Clipper – August 2018

Just finished an awesome sailing adventure onboard Blue Clipper. My daughter and I had a blast. The crew were professional and fun and encouraged us to be involved as much as we were comfortable in the operation of the ship. The ship was beautiful and comfortable and the meals by our cook Chris were outstanding. The scenery along the north coast of Norway was breathtaking and the places we stopped along the way ranged from rugged hikes along the coastal mountains and beaches to fascinating towns and anchorages. The weather was damp and cool most of the time, but the warmth of the crew and other passengers more than compensated for it. We learned a lot about sailing and the local wildlife and geography from the crew. Can’t wait to sail on a Maybe Sailing ship adventure again as soon as I can.

Nadia Barabash – TS Maybe – July 2018

I took part in the Tall Ships Race from Norway to Holland on Maybe and had the most amazing time. I was super seasick for two days but the crew looked after me and were so kind and fun that I barely noticed I was ill. It was a shame the race was cut short due to unfavorable weather, but that is not the companies fault, and the crew made sure we sailed as long as we could and kept us busy and occupied when we were under motor.
I couldn’t believe the two watch leaders were only my age, they were so competent and professional – big shout out to Dave and Inge! Titch (1st mate) and Meg (skipper) were also wonderful, and we had a lot of laughs as a crew. I’m already planning my next trip with Maybe as I can’t wait to get back out to sea!

Patricia Wakeford – Tall Ship Blue Clipper August 2018

As a grandmother in her late seventies I was a little apprehensive about taking on the trip on Blue Clipper from Svalbard to Tromso. I need not have worried. All the crew, led by Captain Chris, were very helpful and looked after me wonderfully. I would particularly like to thank Chris in the galley for all the wonderful meals. He is an unsung hero. We were extremely fortunate to see a polar bear, walruses, whales, porpoise and dolphins, not to mention the bird life, and we had enough sailing to turn us into useful members of the crew. The scenery was stark but stunning and we too were involved with the plastic research. I look forward, Meret, to hearing the results. Please pass on my thanks to out watch leader, Dom, and all the crew for a wonderful trip which my granddaughter Emma and I both enjoyed.

Layna – TS Maybe – July 2018

Sailing on Maybe beat all expectations! This wasn’t my first tall ships race, but it was definitely the most memorable. I’ve had the best two weeks ever, and I’m already planing to sail with Maybe again in the near future.
The crew on Maybe were absolutely fantastic, and I’m extremely grateful for everything they have done. They are such caring, friendly people who have inspired me in so many ways. I have learnt so much this voyage, and it’s because of them.
I definitely recommend Maybe Sailing, you can also expect a warm welcome, and by the end the week you will be a pro tacking team!!!
Thanks again and Love you guys!

Archie – TS Maybe – July 2018

Had the most amazing week of my life onboard TS Maybe. The crew were fantastic and incredibly friendly, their knowledge of the boat was endless and they were especially good at teaching all of us how to sail her within an afternoon. They all had a lot to deal with, including seasickness which was made worse by the fact that most of the trainees had never sailed before. However, they were all very professional and unbelievably happy throughout the trip. Some members of the trainee crew had never been away from home for that long before and found it very hard at the start, yet by the end of the week they were the happiest they had ever been in their lives and credited that largely to the friendliness of the crew, and the homely atmosphere around the boat. We had a great race and earned a respectable position in our class and overall, followed by a fantastic crew parade and lots of partying in Esbjerg. There were lots of tears shed at the end of the trip, and every member of the trainee crew left a changed person. This was truly the most amazing experience of my life, and I have been taught so much along the way, including how to sail a 1930s boat, the importance of cleaning the ocean of plastic, and much more about the environment. The tall ships race wouldn’t have been the same on any other boat!

Ben Porter – TS Blue Clipper – June 2018

There are too many awesome experiences to recount in a review – even getting seasick in a rolling Barents Sea! Suffice to say I’m now hooked on tall ship sailing, and thanks to the immense hospitality and guidance of the ship’s crew. I am so grateful for all the help Maybe Sailing gave to make the ‘Sail Against Plastic’ expedition possible. I hope we can inspire people back home to change their use of plastic through our findings and the results of the trip.

Looking forward to coming aboard again soon, and let’s see if we can have a Sail Against Plastic mkii – Caribbean anyone?

Thank you so much once again! Ben Porter

Joe – TS Maybe – April 2018

Really glad I decided to go with Maybe to complete my competent crew. Sailing a classic is much more fun as there is teamwork involved. Seb and Ben were fantastic teachers and I feel the whole group worked well as a team on our trip over to Belfast. I would definitely recommend to anyone interested in sailing.

Piers – Blue Clipper – June 2018

An enriching experience. I shall not forget the long conversations and laughter as we kept those midnight-sun watches, against a backdrop of vast snowy mountains and glaciers, and with no background noise or music, just our own wit and the sound of the Arctic elements. A very fine and friendly crew and a profoundly experienced and engaging captain worked hard to make it a really great voyage

Malcolm – TS Maybe – April 2018

This was a day sail from Greenock. The crew were very welcoming and friendly. The necessary safety briefing was professional but not laboured and we were soon underway, Lots of opportunities to get involved in sail hoisting and steering. Tea and coffee was readily available and the lunch provided was excellent. All in all a good day on the water.

Rebecca – TS Maybe – April 2018

My husband and I had a one day experience on the Maybe from Greenock. I, a complete novice; he, an aspiring, albeit sea-sick prone sailor. The crew were extremely welcoming, expert and charismatic and they adapted to our differing wants. My husband got lots of time at the helm, helped unfurl the sails and didn’t succumb to sickness. I got to ask lots of questions and see life from a sailing perspective. The other guests were friendly and and the crew did a great job of making us all feel welcome. Lunch was impressively home-made and delicious! A very good experience, with a great crew. Thanks!

George – TS Blue Clipper – April 2018

I wanted to say what an excellent time I had.  The boat was most comfortable and the skipper and crew could not have been more accommodating. I suffer from a touch of arthritis and am a bit slow and awkward getting about. The crew were so kind and helpful.  The food was excellent even in difficult conditions at sea. The area we sailed through was really beautiful.  Many thanks, I hope to see you again some time.

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