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Financial Support For Sail Training

helping young people experience life-changing sail training

Maybe Sailing is a non-profit organisation providing sail training opportunities to young people all over the world. Every year we take at least 500 young people to sea through our Sail Training Youth Development Programme. A number of bursary funds are available to help those who need financial support to fund their sail training experience.

The Sultanate of Oman Bursary Fund

The Sultanate of Oman Bursary scheme is available to any young person aged between 15 and 25 years old – regardless of background, physical ability or sailing experience – with particular emphasis on those who are financially disadvantaged or with a physical disability.

Each year, the scheme will help fund young people from around the world to benefit from the life-changing experience gained from participation in races and regattas organised by Sail Training International. A maximum of €500 is awarded to each selected trainee.

The James Myatt Trust

The James Myatt Trust provides funding for young people aged 15 – 25 to take part in sail training voyages throughout the year.


The RTYC Charitable trust grant provides funding towards sail training voyages.


The Norfolk Boat Trust provides funding for young people and groups to take part in sail training experiences.

Need to supplement the cost of your sailing adventure? To find out more about these bursaries and for an application form please contact us via email.

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